Unison@GCU adds its voice against Trade Union Bill

600E22A4-FD04-4F09-BD62-8D8631C8BEDADespite having some of the most restrictive trade union laws of any country, the Conservatives have launched yet another blistering attack on the Trade Unions. The proposed Trade Union Bill which is being put before the House of Commons is nothing more than an attempt to drag workers rights back to the Victorian era. The Bill would limit the ability of trade unions to function at any level and include the following proposals:

  • Increased thresholds for turnout and the need for some sectors to secure a 50% majority – standards that the majority of MPs failed to meet in the recent general election
  • Management would be able to bring in replacement workers in the event of a strike
  • An increased attack on facility time for activists
  • The removal of DOCAS (deduction of contributions at source) which is the option that you have to pay your subscription via your salary.

The list is goes on and more information can be found on the following TUC website: https://www.tuc.org.uk/union-issues/trade-union-bill

While it makes for depressing reading there are things you can do:

  1. The UK government is currently consulting on key elements of the bill and UNISON is currently asking members to fill in this right to strike survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H3VXKKF?utm_source=Unison&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=594619_UNISON+eFocus+-+11+August&utm_content=lead_strike_surve&dm_t=0,0,0,0,0
  2. Sign the following petition and encourage as many of your friends and colleagues to sign as well: http://action.sumofus.org/a/trade-unions-cameron/?akid=12532.9318910.NuGb73&rd=1&sub=fwd&t=1
  3. Attend the STUC organised meeting “Defeat the Trade Union Bill” on Tuesday 25th August (6.30pm) at Renfield St Stephens centre, 260 Bath Street Glasgow G2 4JP

We need to come together and fight this attack on trade unions before it is too late. I will keep you up to date as the situation develops. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Pass this email on to your friends and colleagues – there is strength in numbers! Ask them if they are in trade union and if they’re not why not ask them to join UNISON? (https://www.unison.org.uk/join)

Davena Rankin on  behalf of Unison @ GCU

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